Privacy Policy
Coverage and Applicability
This privacy policy only extends to this website and orders or transactions placed directly with Destructor Fleet Designs in person, by email, phone, or other method of direct contact. Destructor Fleet Designs’s presence elsewhere to sell goods is governed by policies listed on those websites. Ex: Etsy policies.
In addition, nothing in this privacy policy is intended to contravene or restrict existing laws concerning privacy such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), or US law. If it appears to do so, please let Destructor Fleet Designs know so it can be corrected. Destructor Fleet Designs does not wish to do bad things to you or your data.
What data does Destructor Fleet Designs collect?
This website does not use cookies, show advertising, or have any trackers, for analytics or otherwise. (Some cookies may have been eaten in the process of creating this website because even developers get hungry sometimes.) This website will never ask for your name, email address, physical address, or any other identifying information. Destructor Fleet Designs does not have or use any mailing lists.
If you send Destructor Fleet Designs an email after clicking one of the many contact links on this site Destructor Fleet Designs will, of course, have your email address. It will only be used to respond to inquiries or throughout the process of planning, placing, or completing orders. It will not be used to send you unrelated unwanted emails.
If you place an order with Destructor Fleet Designs in person, by email, phone, or other method of direct contact your name and address may be required to ship you the order. Though not usually required or requested, a phone number may additionally be needed to complete shipping for international orders. This information will be passed along to the courier and service (ex: USPS, FedEx, UPS) so they can deliver the package to you. If you request a tracked service, they may keep this information longer. Please see the courier services’ individual privacy policies for more details.
How does Destructor Fleet Designs use your data?
Destructor Fleet Designs is a small business providing custom laser cutting, engraving, and design services as well as physical products for stores and individuals. Any information collected is used exclusively for contact with you in relation to planning, placement, and fulfillment of orders or responding to other inquiries made by email.
Information Sharing
Destructor Fleet Designs does not share personally identifiable information with 3rd parties with the sole exception of passage of information to courier services for shipping packages to complete an order.
How does Destructor Fleet Designs store and protect your information?
Your information may be stored and processed in the United States, as it is Destructor Fleet Designs’s base of operation and where all shipped orders originate. Additionally your information may be stored or processed in any country where GMail servers are kept, but only if you contacted Destructor Fleet Designs by email. Other methods of contact depend on the location of the countries in which their servers reside.
Destructor Fleet Designs is aware protecting your privacy is important, and works to keep information residing on any* company computer secure, but relies on Google (GMail) and other platforms where contacted to keep data provided through them secure.
* Destructor Fleet Designs is a sole-proprietorship, so there’s only three computers in use, and only one of those deals with storage of customer information on the device.
Request of data, corrections, and deletion
Pursuant to the GDPR and other similar regulations, you can request a copy of your data, as well as provide corrections if for some strange magical reason that happens to be necessary, and additionally request it be deleted. All of these can be completed by sending an email. These requests will be processed as soon as Destructor Fleet Designs is able, but usually no more than a few days, and certainly no longer than two to three weeks if Destructor Fleet Designs is on vacation or otherwise away from its home office at the time of the request.