LIST Day 2 - 2012-08-07 Day 2 of the trip; The adventure continues! We tried to visit a place called Polebridge which purported to have a place to eat, etc. up there. However, the paved road disappeared leaving us driving down a courderoy gravel caused by regrading and snow plows. It was decided a some good miles in that it wasn't the best to continue all the way up in my wannabe SUV (2010 Ford Escape), unless we wanted to travel at 10 miles an hour. Thus we aborted at the next turn off and drove back into the main part of the park to go hiking elsewhere. I believe we then drove to a place called Many Glacier and hiked down to a lake before we turned around. Afterwards we visited a place called Two Medicine, which was reachable by nice twisty roads with a lot of hills, where they thankfully had ice cream to take away the urgh/ugh of all those rollercoaster-like hills. The bears in the photos on the way out of Many Glacier are Grizzly. You can tell by the large hump at the top of their back, which is all muscle. Do not tangle with them! They claim "bear spray" has worked, but I rather think that by the time you have to use the spray it is too late. More like "human seasoning" as my brother puts it. Plus they cost something like $50 a bottle, and there's no rentals. The mountain goats were in a ravene alongside the highway past a place called "Goat Lick", which has everything to do with salt and goats licking it. However, all the goats had migrated to the ravene through a path under the road so there were none to see at Goat Lick.