Acrylic forays Tests, prototypes, and other random things I've made out of acrylic that don't fit into one of the other categories. The bolted box is something I had in my head for a while, but only relatively recently (at time of writing) made. The thought was to try to make a sandwich out of acrylic within which you could [permanently] store something. Not anything particularly large for various reasons, but still an idea nonetheless. I made three of these, one I gave away and another has already been spoken for. The hole on the middle plate is about an inch on all sides and the fourth hole is intended for a string, cord, or other means of attaching it to something. It seems too oddly shaped to make a necklace out of, but might work as a tag or bag/backpack ornamentation. Some limitations of this were my desire to have the fasteners be sunk (as flush as possible with the surface) and the length of screws relative to the thicknesses of acrylic I had available in the translucent "coke bottle" style. The corner holes are cut by the laser, but the counter sink boring is done very carefully with a drill press so it does not go all the way through the acrylic plate. If it did, then the screws would be unable to keep the sandwich from falling apart.