This is only a guide. It lists all possible combinations for the Sweet Mess Kickstarter. The campaign will have a pledge manager after the campaign where you can adjust quantities of add-ons and pay for extras but these don't help the campaign achieve any stretch goals. If you are interested in any of those, you should pledge enough now to cover what you intend to get through the pledge manager.
If your browser supports it all values on this page will be saved automatically for you. If you are using IE 9 or 10 this page won't look very pretty but all the calculations should still be correct. This page will not work in IE8 or earlier.
Any shipping costs for these will be calculated and listed below according to your chosen region.
These should all be available in the pledge manager, however you may want to pay for them upfront to help achieve stretch goals. Any added shipping costs for these will be calculated and listed below according to your chosen region.
This is based on the shipping costs chart available at the bottom of the main campaign page.